Lynco International Wealth Management
Diversified International Wealth Management Services
We are devoted to providing our clients with professional and diversified international wealth management services in areas including insurance, funds, bonds, trust arrangements, overseas property investments referrals, and overseas immigration consultancy, helping them to realize life plans such as wealth protection, wealth enhancement and inheritance.
Lynco International Wealth Management Limited (「本公司」;前稱「安里財富管理有限公司」或「Anli Wealth Management Limited」) 近日發現有前僱員未經本公司同意透過通訊軟件直接向客戶接洽及推銷。
- 本公司並沒有授權任何第三方機構向客戶提供任何保險產品或建議,所有產品銷售均由本公司直屬保險經紀提供;
- 本公司的官方電郵只會以lyncointl.com域名發出,亦只會以+852 5615 2467 之電話號碼作通訊軟件之溝通媒介;
- 本公司與其他第三方機構及訊息無任何關係,我們已就有關事宜採取法律行動。
為保障個人私隱及防止未經授權存取敏感信息,本公司特此提醒各客戶提高警惕,以免受騙或招致任何損失。同時,本公司亦敦請客戶務必在投保前核實保險公司或經紀之身份。如有任何可疑情況,可致電Lynco International Wealth Management Limited 之熱線電話+852 3952 9000進行查詢。
Life Insurance
Personal accident insurance, life insurance, critical illness insurance, medical insurance/ voluntary health insurance scheme, participating insurance and annuity/ deferred annuity, etc.
General Insurance
Corporate and group insurance, labor insurance, engineering insurance, home insurance, working holiday insurance, travel insurance and domestic helper insurance, etc.
Master trust scheme, employer-sponsored scheme, industry scheme and consolidation of personal MPF accounts, etc.
Wealth Management Consulting Services
Mutual fund, Hong Kong and global equity, bonds and fixed-income products and property mortgage referral, etc.
Trust Arrangements
Asset in trusts include properties, securities investment, bank account balances, collectibles, life insurance plans, business assets, tangible assets, and MPF account balances; offer family office arrangement services.
Offshore Property Investment Referral
Provide advice in aspects namely investment target, property location, property agent, local law and regulation, mortgage interest, insurance, property management and tax expenses, etc.
Overseas Immigration Consultancy
Answer clients’ most intimate questions on immigration, provide them with the most suitable immigration plan according to their budgets and specific needs, and assist them to settle in their dream countries smoothly and quickly
Car Insurance
provides comprehensive protection for your car including
Comprehensive car insurance &
Third party liability car insurance.